Vicomsoft SoftRouter Plus

WebCaching module

The SoftRouter Plus WebCache module improves control over content viewing and enhances bandwidth management. You can discover these benefits by downloading a free trial version today.

Feature Benefits
Server-based Web Caching Faster web browsing for LAN-based users
Efficient use of Internet bandwidth
Transparent connection to
the WebCache
No setup required for LAN client browsers
Local and remote
Administration of WebCache
Administrator can administer the WebCache both from the server computer and optionally remotely using a browser
Concurrent Caching
and Delivery
Faster content delivery to LAN browsers
Offline CacheLibrary
Browsing and retrieval of cached content
Offline CacheLibrary
Catalog of cached content
Offline CacheLibrary
Management and control of cached content

Server based caching

Server-based Web Caching

Faster web browsing for LAN-based users
Efficient use of Internet bandwidth

Normally, every time the same web page is requested by more than one user on the LAN, all the content must be delivered once again across the Internet with each user experiencing the often frustrating 'Internet delays'. The Vicomsoft SoftRouter Plus now includes a server-based WebCache module that saves recently viewed pages on your LAN and then sends these pages when a request is made which dramatically reduces the time taken to redisplay the same page.

Web content is delivered from remote web servers to users' browsers across the Internet. The faster this happens, the better for the user. However, between the remote web server and a user's browser the content may travel over many networks of varying size and complexity. For each element (text, graphic, video, sound) on a web page the browser must transmit a request and the server must deliver the content. Any delay in either the transmission of the request or the delivery of the content will increase the amount of time the user must wait. The total time required to display a full web page will depend on a number of factors which, for the sake of discussion we refer to as 'Internet Delays' and which include:

  • the speed with which the remote server delivers web content
  • the number of concurrent requests the remote server is responding to
  • the way the remote site allocates bandwidth to serve requests
  • available bandwidth from the remote site to the Internet backbone
  • congestion on the Internet backbone
  • available bandwidth and congestion between the ISP and the Internet backbone
  • available bandwidth between the user's LAN and its ISP

Each time a web page is requested by another user on the LAN the content must be delivered once again incurring delays due to any or all of the above factors.

The Vicomsoft SoftRouter Plus WebCache Module reduces Internet Delays by storing copies of the web content on the user's LAN. The WebCache dramatically improves web browsing response times through rapid delivery of frequently accessed web content from a high performance caching server. Delivery of content from the cache can be as much as five to ten times faster than from the Internet over a T1 connection, and over one hundred times faster than with a 56Kbps modem. Using the new WebCache frees bandwidth for the delivery of fresh content as well, significantly improving response time and efficiency for networks of all sizes.

Transparent connection to the WebCache

Transparent connection to the WebCache

No setup required for LAN client browsers

Traditionally, caching servers were combined with proxy servers and required manual configuration of client applications such as web browsers. SoftRouter Plus is the first product to combine the best features of NAT routing (which does not require LAN-client setup) with a web caching server using unique 'transparent connectivity' technology. Now, for the first time, users can benefit from caching while network administrators do not have to reconfigure each client browser. The setup experience is further enhanced when TCP/IP on each LAN client is configured to use the DHCP Server integrated in the Vicomsoft routers. This combination of features and technologies provide true 'plug-and-play' installation and use.

Local and remote Administration of WebCache

Local and remote Administration of WebCache

Administrator can administer the WebCache both from the server computer and optionally remotely using a browser.

The Vicomsoft WebCache module has both local and remote administration capabilities. For local administration it incorporates a built-in easy-to-use administrator's interface accessed on the server computer where it is installed. The administrator can optionally enable the remote administration facility which allows administration to be done using a web browser.

Concurrent Caching and Delivery

Concurrent Caching and Delivery

Faster content delivery to LAN browsers

The Vicomsoft WebCache module incorporates innovative design that provides concurrent delivery and caching of incoming data as well as concurrent delivery to multiple LAN clients. This exclusive multistreaming technology assures faster delivery of both cached and fresh content compared with traditional proxy servers which sequentially cache content before delivering to clients thereby introducing noticeable delays. Vicomsoft technology ensures that fresh content is delivered with no additional delays while at the same time providing the benefits of caching.

Offline CacheLibrary Retrieval

Offline CacheLibrary Retrieval

Browsing and retrieval of cached content

The Vicomsoft WebCache module has an offline mode which allows browsing of cached content without requiring online connection to the Internet. Web pages, images and movies may be retrieved and viewed with any browser, effectively creating an in-house content library. In a dial-up environment, cached content may be accessed without opening a connection. Because only local bandwidth is used, concurrent requests for the same content experience no performance degradation when compared with accessing the same content across the Internet.

Offline CacheLibrary Index

Offline CacheLibrary Index

Catalog of cached content

A catalog of all cached content including web pages, images and movies may be viewed with any browser. This is of particular benefit to educators who wish to focus the attention of students on selected content. Web content is organized according to the originating site. User-friendly icons indicate the nature of the content. Icons change as content expires indicating that the content is still cached and available in offline mode but will be updated if requested while in online mode.

Offline CacheLibrary Administration

Offline CacheLibrary Administration

Management and control of cached content

Large or infrequently updated items such as movies or reference works may be permanently or temporarily saved as reference sources. The administrator can 'protect' cached content preventing deletion during automatic housekeeping tasks. Large items may be downloaded and cached outside peak periods, optimizing bandwidth use and freeing resources when they are most needed.


Download Trial Version


Download Trial Version

Please read our recommendations on respect for and compliance with third party copyright while using the Vicomsoft WebCache.


Copyright 1999 Vicomsoft
Updated 20-October-1999